
Stay Levvel-headed in business.

10 ideas to keep your business healthy!

10 ideas to keep your business healthy!

When was the last time you took the opportunity to evaluate and assess your business? What works, what doesn't? And what can you do for your team to foster an environment for success? Most companies will tell you that their fast pace or lack of allotted time to self-examine can leave these invaluable assessments last on the priority list. So Levvel has come up with a 10-point checklist.
10 ideas to build a people centric workplace.

10 ideas to help build a people-centric workplace.

Over the last year, businesses and organizations have either shifted or are planning to move into a hybrid workplace environment. Is your company going to be one of them? Here are 10 ideas adopted by employers to help build a people-centric workplace experience.

Let opportunity guide Change, NOT the Burning Platform.

For many years, change professionals (myself included) have used the analogy of the burning platform to create urgency behind change. The logic goes: if you create a place where no one wants to (or can) be anymore, there will be no choice but to change!
Blog - the case for risk-takers

The case for risk-takers.

Are you a risk-taker or do you play it safe? At some point you’ve heard this question, likely off the list of standard questions during a job interview. More than likely, it made you think to yourself, am I a risk-taker? Either way there are negative and positive associations to your answer. If you answer yes, perhaps you’ll be thought of as someone who is careless, can’t evaluate consequences or visualize the ‘big picture but is fearless, takes on challenges and isn’t afraid to fail. If you answer no, perhaps you’re viewed as over analytical, afraid of making mistakes, and adverse to change but one who thinks of others and places value on safety and security. Tough call! 
7 ways to be more responsive to clients in a fast-paced world

7 ways to be more responsive to clients in a fast-paced world.

Seven ways to be more responsive to clients in a fast-paced world. When it comes to how quickly you need to respond to customers and potential customers, there’s only one answer: as fast as possible. How can you be more responsive to customers? Try these tips.
Does your company culture need a re-boot?

Does your Company need a Culture Re-boot?

Company culture is an HR buzzword that began by plastering the office walls with positive acronyms, fruit Company culture is an HR buzzword that began by plastering the office walls with positive acronyms, fruit bowls and foosball. No question organizations have now found it challenging to maintain synergy in their culture as they continuously pivot.
Why an age-diverse workforce works Blog post

Why an age-diverse workforce works.

If you’re responsible for hiring in your small business, or a hiring manager in larger companies, diversity efforts tend to focus on gender and ethnicity. Generational diversity is an often-overlooked dynamic that can boost productivity, decrease turnover, and increase innovation.…

When do you know it's time to Breakup with your mentor? Blog post

Breaking up with your Mentor.

If you’re already in the thick of a mentor relationship with no end date in sight, you might wonder how you’ll know when it’s time to move on? Ultimately, the answer is simple - whenever you want to. Nonetheless, there are a few things to consider throughout your mentor/mentee relationship that can help determine the best time for you.

Creating Meaningful Mentorships.

No matter where you are in your professional career, whether that be as a recent grad starting your first gig, a dedicated employee who has been working at the same job for years, or you’re beginning a new chapter in your life as an entrepreneur; a mentor can make a valuable imprint on your career and life trajectory. It can open networks and opportunities beyond your immediate reach and can give you the tools and confidence to promote yourself and develop professionally.