It's time to LevvelUp your cyber security for remote work Blog post

Levvel-Up your cyber security for remote working.

I know most are incensed that there are people who prey on those who are down, literally losing businesses, losing jobs, losing homes, and worst of all battling illness. Super crappy people…who are attempting, and in many cases, succeeding in…

Physically distanced yet socially connected Blog post

Physically Distant yet Socially Connected.

Although it sounds like working in your PJ’s and having the whole coffee carafe to yourself is dreamy, the reality of the situation may leave you feeling isolated, disconnected, disengaged and easily distracted. For good reason. While recently conditioned to…

Levveling up for equality podcastwith women in tech Blog post

Levveling-Up for equality- IWD 2020

It’s the day recognized globally that celebrates the social, economic, cultural, and political achievements of women. March 8th is International Women’s Day, collectively founded by women, this day accelerates gender equality and women’s rights. At Levvel Inc., our founders Chantal…

Business transformation should focus on the Transformers Blog post

Business Transformation should focus on the Transformers.

The word transform is more often used to describe an intention to improve something. Using an approach that is extremely different from ‘how things are normally done’. So much of the time, when people think about transformation it’s viewed as…

How do you bring Business in Balance? Blog post

How do you bring “Business in Balance?”​

At Levvel, we’re often asked about our credo – Business in Balance, and what that means? Most of us try and strive for a balanced life, a work-life balance to support physical and mental health, be productive at work and…

Are Valentines appropriate for clients? Blog post

Are Valentines appropriate for clients?

I designed a cute little Valentines post for our clients. Yes, it’s a good marketing practice but then I stopped and asked myself – is sending love to our clients on Valentine’s day appropriate? We truly value our clients, customers,…