We get it because we live it at Levvel!
So, you and your team are setting up ‘shop’ at home, hey? Which way should your webcam face? Do you want your colleagues to see that dated wall color, curling trophies from your glory days, or the cat’s scratching pole?
After a rapid mass exodus from the downtown core, and now a new-normal way of working, the shift to a global work-from-home culture may be out of your comfort zone as a leader, as well as your team. Many businesses are uncertain of how to proceed and support their people while maintaining engagement, workflow, and company culture. Shifting to a mainly remote workforce and experimenting with creating a virtual culture can add to the already overwhelming global changes we are all faced with.
At Levvel, we are experts at working from home! Our team regularly collaborates across borders, cultures, and time zones so we’re here to share our expertise and help organizations navigate through a shift in work style. As a matter of fact, when the company was co-founded by Chantal and Brian Milloy, the concept of a home-based remote workforce was top of mind.
It’s not just a hall pass to work in your PJ’s at the kitchen table…although that can be a perk. Business leaders still need to maintain relationships, results, and revenue. At Levvel, that’s the norm for us and now with school closures, it may also include keeping children busy and engaged as they and pets can wander around behind your video conference.
Our expert Change Consultants offer up a methodology for success and transition that works. There are so many strategies Levvel can offer, but here are some best practices we use that can assist you and your organization through rapid transformation too.
FOR Leaders /Organizations
- Identify the risks associated with this transition
Our Levvel Change Consultants literally manage a risk log. They identify, assess, mitigate, and implement strategies for success. Communicating and being transparent with people are key fundamentals to navigating through and managing change. An initial risk is that getting wired-in at home can be daunting for many. Hire IT support experts during transition for all your people who are moving to a remote workspace. This will expediate the process, ensure work progress, and support your people at an already stressful time.
- Create a central communication system
From our past experiences, we’ve found that email alone is not sufficient for effective communication. We can offer guidance and establish systems so that all team members can easily share information and communicate with each other whether in the next office or remotely.
- Provide a clear strategy and guidelines
Be clear with your goals and be comprehensive enough for workers to understand expectations, without overwhelming them with unnecessary details. Ensure tools are in place so that they can pull up the kitchen chair and get to work without requiring constant input every step of the way. Since this is likely a quick change for your team, start with 2-3 ground rules and go from there. These could be as easy as “say hi to your co-workers in the morning via chat” or “the team will be doing a daily stand-up from 9-9:15 to check-in and support each other”.
- Share wins with the team
Perhaps more than ever leaders need to champion not only the organization but for employees. When people are not physically in the office, often big and small accomplishments may be unseen. Regularly fill them in on the team’s progress and what you’ve been up to, as well the company in general. This supports those who may think their work is not being recognized, and that their work is supporting the overall strategy.
FOR Employees/ contractors
- Identify a workspace conducive to work
Is the kitchen table really the best spot? If you have partners working at home and children playing or learning the kitchen area is usually the busiest place in a home. Choose a comfortable, relatively quiet and distraction-free space that has a solid, consistent Wi-Fi connection.
- Schedule one-on-one video calls with colleagues
Aside from the virtual team meetings leaders set up, do a one-on-one video call or a virtual lunch to stay connected with coworkers. With social distancing, this maintains stronger working relationship with your colleagues and you’ll undoubtedly brainstorm about work and gain access to information faster.
- Participate in discussions during team video calls
Aside from making extra efforts like participating in groups and scheduling one-on-ones, don’t forget to leverage team meetings to gain visibility. Contribute, stick to the agenda outlined and be prepared to offer input, solutions, and suggest next steps.
We have so much more to offer with the expertise of our Consulting and Staffing lines of business at Levvel. So, as you are still in the process of determining what the next steps are, how you’ll maintain clients, offer services, and what platforms and tools your workforce requires, Levvel can alleviate some of that stress.
Remember we’re all in the global business of people. Especially now, take care of your staff, contractors, colleagues, and friends.
~Cherene Kambeitz- Marketing & Communications Director, Levvel Inc.
Reach out to Connect@levvel.ca