
Stay Levvel-headed in business.

It's not just about ticking the diversity box.

It’s not just about ticking the diversity box.

So, let’s take for example the new hire, often referred to as the ‘diversity hire.’ This phrase usually refers to an employee from an underrepresented group. This term is disparaging and bias implying the new employee was hired to tick the diversity box, not based on merit. Simply by using this term within the company, the individual might be singled out.

Think before you change for the sake of change.

There is no disputing that organizational changes when the business environment demands them are necessary, however storming in with abrupt change is distracting, disruptive, and promotes disengagement. Because you have actionable goals to meet, future forward ideas, and have been hired to make a difference does not mean there is collective thinking around your ‘plan’…or at least not yet.
10 ideas to build a people centric workplace.

10 ideas to help build a people-centric workplace.

Over the last year, businesses and organizations have either shifted or are planning to move into a hybrid workplace environment. Is your company going to be one of them? Here are 10 ideas adopted by employers to help build a people-centric workplace experience.
7 ways to be more responsive to clients in a fast-paced world

7 ways to be more responsive to clients in a fast-paced world.

Seven ways to be more responsive to clients in a fast-paced world. When it comes to how quickly you need to respond to customers and potential customers, there’s only one answer: as fast as possible. How can you be more responsive to customers? Try these tips.